Workouts and meals

Exercise & Health

Why should I exercise regularly?

Reading Time: 3 minutes



Experts in the field of physical culture and medical professionals recognize that the modern way of life makes regular physical activity difficult and even impossible for some people.

And yet: why do people of different ages, genders, and financial status find the motivation to go to a nearby gym or training facility and exercise? Probably because regular strength training has permanently convinced them of the many beneficial effects that are difficult to summarize, but the most important of them are:

  1. It is the most powerful tool of increasing muscle mass
  2. Optimize body weight and reduce adipose (mass) tissue. It helps with weight loss, muscle mass increase, or just to get fit and feel well, depending on your goal.
  3. Significantly increase the relative, and especially the absolute strength endurance.
  4. They are the most effective and most widely used means of shaping and reshaping the human body.
  5. By developing the musculature of the human body, which is about 2/3 of the total body weight, strength exercises indirectly improve the overall health condition and self-esteem.
  6. Increase the strength of bones and tendons, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  7. Improve the transportation of oxygen to the muscles and increase the number of muscle capillaries. Improved blood-supply means better oxidation and faster release of metabolic waste products resulting directly in both physical and mental health.
  8. Increase flexibility.
  9. Improve elasticity in muscle relaxation states and increase strength during muscle contraction states.
  10. Intensify the chemistry of muscle contraction, resulting in the accelerated recovery of energy in the muscles.
  11. Improve the trophic influence of the central nervous system CNS (A trophic unit is defined as the smallest set of cells within the CNS), which is expressed by enhancing the activity of the vegetative nervous system.
  12. Increase the power of muscle contractions, and hence the speed potential of the individual.
  13. Reduce the level of stress and tension from everyday life.
  14. Contribute to the formation of many positive human qualities such as self-discipline, will, motivation, etc., which are transferred to other areas of life.
  15. Improve the performance of the cardiovascular system and metabolism and normalize blood pressure.
  16. Regular physical activities and being fit are associated with extended life expectancy, and there is no doubt that they increase vitality.
  17. Help prevent many diseases of “inactivity” such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and others.
  18. Improve the blood counts by increasing the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells.
  19. They are great for physical improvement for all people, regardless of gender, age, and social status.
  20. Allow for perfect recovery after trauma or injury
  21. They are the best tool for some sport activity among disabled paraplegics (Paraplegia is an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities).
  22. Reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  23. They provide an opportunity to satisfy the human need for competitive activity.
  24. Help increase speed and power capacity in other sports.
  25. Significantly improve your motivation to eat more healthy food and optimize your nutrition intake
  26. They require a natural way of life, diverting young people from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.
  27. Weight lifting, in particular, allows for accurate accounting and monitoring of the training load, which protects from overtraining and trauma.
  28. Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself.
  29. Regular moderate exercise can enhance your organism’s production of antioxidants, which help protect the body cells, resulting in better and healthier skin, improved brain function, and many other benefits related to the increased antioxidants in your system.
  30. Regular exercising, either aerobic, strength (resistance) training, or others, can reduce chronic pain like low-back pain, shoulder and back pain, knee pain, etc.


In conclusion, we may certainly say that regular exercise will improve your overall health condition and, in general, the quality of your life.

But remember, moderation is the key to success, as with any other aspect of your life. Doing anything to the extreme (including overtraining) is a sure way to fail or even worse (get injured seriously).

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  1. Dragomir Krastev

    Awesome article! Helped me a lot!

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